The first thing you should do prior to hiring an SEO company is check their work.
And we don’t blame you at all. Here’s a handful of videos that showcase work
we’ve done in the recent past, and you can see the rankings for yourself.
Don’t forget that google adjusts search results based on your personal browsing habits
alongside your location – so if you’re not seeing the exact same results as these reports –
it might just be that you’re not in the locations we’ve optimized for.
Starting From Scratch
I’m starting from scratch – Can you help me?
As you can see we started with just a handful of local keywords, some in English and some in Spanish.
(Yes we can rank for both languages). We were able to move the needle in a few short weeks of service.
As you can see by the end, they decided to go after national terms, and are happily ranking in high positions for multiple words in a national arena to this day.
Tough Niche
I’m in a really difficult niche – Does SEO still work?
In more competitive environments you’re going to need a little more muscle than say a minimum order. You can see here that we were able to perform in this extremely difficult area. Our client ended up trusting us with over 100 keywords to put into our care, and as you can see – we did not disappoint.
Already Have SEO
But wait – I already have an SEO company. What more can you guys do?
We actually don’t do EVERYTHING that a traditional SEO company does. We write SEO content – but it’s not the same as converting content. We build links, but it’s not a complete replacement for link outreach.
We install proper structures in your site, but we don’t dig down into every aspect of on-page SEO on every page of your website. So don’t think of us as a complete replacement for your current SEO or marketing groups. Take a look at this example in the Pharmacy niche market where we were able to expand upon the work already being done.

Lynn F.
Earl truly is a Marketing Genius. His deep knowledge and understanding of marketing strategies (and quick and dirty ones) position him to tackle every project he undertakes. Somehow he knows all the secrets, can use every ounce of what he knows to strategize, build marketing plans from nothing, all while making it look easy to boot! He has mastered the art of business plan creation and implementation, is able to look at the big picture and figure out exactly what a business needs to conquer their industry, and do it. If you want absolute market success, give Earl a call.

Sikoursky T.
Earl is a brilliant internet marketer and in the time that I have worked with him I was able to learn so much from him including his long list of experiences whether they were a success or a failure he was open to share his knowledge among his peers. He is a great mentor to have and to be tough and guided by him is a privilege.
As someone who is an out of the box thinker he can communicate his thoughts and ideas clearly and accurately. His creative style of presenting is really fun and memorable. And I've been lucky enough to have been able to work alongside with him.

Nathan S.
I went to Earl for some SEO advice because I'd been targeted by a malicious and false Webpage. Earl gave me some advice which I started to implement immediately.
In less than 24 hours, I was able to take the page off page one and send it back to page five and I barely scratched the surface with what Earl told me.
I have more I want to do, but what he gave me worked so fast I could hardly believe it. Earl is a great guy for SEO. I highly recommend him.